Episode Two: The Middle Place by Rupi Kaur with Morgan Anderson
2/29/2024 | 21m
This week on the Finding Good Bones podcast, our guest Morgan Anderson takes Amy and Kate to "The Middle Place", a poem by Rupi Kaur. It's a dreamy discussion on turning people into gods, building ivory towers, taking the off the mask, and figuring out how to be mortals together. Oh, and Morgan's murders of crows!
This Episode's Guest
Morgan is a horticulturist and feeder of crows with aspiration of becoming a falconer. She lives in Seattle, WA, where she enjoys the mountains, lakes, and beaches. She is currently working on a loving, new and improved self.
Amy's Show Notes
What Amy is reading: The Locked Tomb Series by Tamsyn Muir (aka Lesbian Necromancers in Space) - https://us.macmillan.com/series/thelockedtombseries
Gideon the Ninth (the first book) - https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250313188/gideontheninth
What Kate is reading: Cabaret by Lisa Appignanesi (listed as a textbook!) - https://www.biblio.com/book/cabaret-appignanesi-lisa/d/1395320748
Watch Morgan with her crows: https://video.wixstatic.com/video/33805f_b84eba9de63c4c03900b081ae4ba1398/720p/mp4/file.mp4
Morgan’s selection: The Middle Place by Rupi Kaur, from the book The Sun and her Flowers - https://rupikaur.com/pages/the-sun-and-her-flowers
See the poem (and the bridge and the not-fog but definitely fog): https://static.wixstatic.com/media/33805f_e77c2a8d6bd64a5db90761123b106f5a~mv2.jpg
Request a recommendation on a selection of writing picked by Kate and Amy just for you: https://www.findinggoodbones.com/contact